Long-standing member awarded Life Membership


Long-standing Hawkes Bay RMBA member Bill Livingston was recently awarded a Life Membership of the Association (now Branch) in recognition of his contribution to the Association.

Mr Livingston has been a member of the executive committee since 1997. He has served as vice-president for seven years, president for two and past president for three years.

Throughout this time he has been a positive and enthusiastic member of the executive, always having members’ best interests at heart.

He has opened his own home up on numerous occasions to host meetings and member barbeques.

Mr Livingston was the Association president when the national conference was held in Hawkes Bay in 2010. His inspiring leadership and organisational skills resulted in a conference that many people rated as “the best ever”. The conference is still legendary, and has set the benchmark for all conferences since.

The charity auction at the conference saw more than $35,000 raised which was donated to Cranford Hospice. This was used to rejuvenate and upgrade the hospice rooms.

In conjunction with Certified Builders, Master Builders helped build the “Little Elms” complex in just seven days.

Mr Livingston worked every day on the project, and rang around members at night to keep them motivated, and to encourage more to assist.

He is also an active Rotary member, and is well respected in the construction industry and the wider business community. He is an excellent role model for all members, and joins current Branch life members Ashley Hartley and Charlie Trask.

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