The satisfaction of business coaching

Terry Sage of Trades Coaching New Zealand

The profession of business coaching is, for the most part, one of the most satisfying ways to spend your working day.

Yes, you have to put up with:

• Dozens of business owners’ moans and groans.

• Clients not doing the work you left them to do.

• Clients who, if they procrastinate any more will actually turn time backwards.

• Warring husband and wives.

I could probably fill this whole page if I continued but that wouldn’t leave room for the good bit!

There are way more good bits than the short list above and, happily, I see them repeating themselves over and over again.

They don’t actually have a title, but are more of a combination of lots of actions and, in most cases, occur over a long time span which, for many clients, can be stressful and frustrating.

Often it will end with the client thinking “nah, that’s not going to work, lets drop it”.

I know I said it has no title, but here we are going to call it “Success”. I had a day last week where three clients all had one of these “Success” moments after a lot of effort and a lot of trying and waiting.

And that’s why, as a business coach, I absolutely love my job. Let me fill you in with some examples.

Client 1 makes a product, very high-end and unique, sells it nationally and is doing okay. But the business is open to the ups and downs of the tourist and gift markets.

They have known the growth is in export, but although they’ve dabbled in that arena for 18 months, they’ve not been able to make big inroads.

A new plan and approach was written four months ago, and now an Australian wholesale company with 161 outlets throughout Australia is flying over to check them out, talk design and organise a supply model.

It’s not a done deal yet but you don’t jump on a plane if you’re not 99% sure it’s worth it. A pending “Success” moment then.

Client 2 has a trades-style business, and was averaging a monthly income of $85,000 two years ago with nine staff.

June’s income was $211,000 with 12 staff. It took a long time, many ups and downs and hair pulling, but that’s what we call a “Success” moment.

Client 3 spent three years building up a business that is the only one of its type in the country. When I say the only one, it is the only privately-owned one competing with several multi-national organisations.


Queue of hopeful purchasers

It has not made a single dollar profit yet, it has provided a moderate wage and has just been listed for sale, with a queue of hopeful purchasers at a smidge under $2 million.

That will be a great “Success” moment party in a month or so.

I am sharing my happy moments with you for several reasons. If you are struggling with an initiative you are working on, don’t give up but do stop and re-evaluate — there is always more than one way to skin that idea.

If you have had an idea for a long time but have absolutely no idea how to even start your initiative, then take note from the stories above.

Someone out there will have the plan for you. Don’t be shy or slow to ask for help. Call me and I can point you in the right direction.

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