An inventory solution on your construction site!


As the saying goes — “Time is Money”. It seems like a daily occurrence that EDL Fasteners gets a frantic phone call from a construction site asking for an urgent order to be processed at 07:30. 

Only to have the apprentice rock up to one of our shops in his wagon to collect the goods between 8am and 9am — after stopping for a round of coffees, a box of pies and another stop to gas up his vehicle. 

Who knows what time he returns to the site? The end result is that even on an apprentice wage, that box of screws or nails becomes a very expensive box of fasteners! Imagine how much work that same worker could have got completed on site had he not left in the first place? To fix this problem, EDL Fasteners New Zealand offers The Stock Box, a container installed on your construction site with racks full of the products you need for your specific construction job. 

You are saving time, you have the certainty of pricing, staff are not leaving the construction site, and you only use the correct product and avoid double-ups and wastage. And an EDL account manager will keep an eye on the stock level and take care of replenishment. 

There are currently more than 60 of these boxes on sites all over the country, from city locations to remote building sites. Three container sizes are available — 8, 10 and 20 foot containers to suit the stock level required. 

Any leftover stock can be transferred to your next construction site. And EDL provides the box, the racks and the shelving — all free of charge! 

For more information: 

0800 EDL Build

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