New advances in architectural masonry


New Firth DRYbloc and Dricon DRYbloc Mortar are advances in architectural masonry incorporating key ingredients within the blocks and mortar that reduce the rate of water ingress, help stabilise the colour, and minimise the effects of the units from efflorescence.

DRYbloc is not waterproof. However, it improves the performance of masonry buildings by offering a second line of defence against rainwater ingress, adding peace of mind.

The new masonry replaces the former Stevenson DryBlock system following the acquisition of the Auckland and Northland masonry assets of W Stevenson & Sons Ltd in March 2009.

Besides providing structural strength, aesthetic appeal and extra protection for weathertightness, DRYbloc also provides the additional masonry benefits of thermal mass, fire protection, sound control and durability.

As with standard masonry, when using DRYbloc, all aspects of design and construction should follow NZS 4210, 4229 and 4230.

Available in the fashion colours Slate and Stone, it is available ex-stock in Auckland and in all other regions throughout New Zealand on a made-to-order basis.

Firth understands that building a home is one of the largest investments most New Zealanders make in their lifetime.

With such investments, home owners need to feel comfortable that their masonry homes will stand the test of time, be durable, warm and easy to sell should they decide to move on.

Firth’s product range is being constantly updated to meet changes in technology, building techniques, codes, practices and fashion to provide this confidence.

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