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Tag: Drainage

Pervious concrete.

Replicating natural surface water management

Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS), incorporating concrete-based solutions such as permeable paving and pervious concrete, now offer a cost-effective way to manage surface water through...

Drainlayer tradies graduating with better prospects than ever

Forty-two apprentice plumbers, electricians, gasfitters and drainlayers graduated at the Apprenticeship Training Trust (ATT) awards held at the Auckland War Memorial Museum recently. Apprentices from...

The three Ps in EcoPave systems — permeable, pervious and porous

While synonymous, the terms permeable, pervious and porous are quite different when it comes to discussing suitable pavement systems and their ability to offer...

Expol StyroDrain

StyroDrain, composed of 100% recycled polystyrene, is used in the construction process for retaining walls, and provides protection for the waterproofing membrane on retaining...

Expol QuickDrain

The QuickDrain no-scoria engineered drainage solution incorporates a recycled polystyrene aggregate produced from waste polystyrene collected from building sites and other waste polystyrene sources. It...

Commitment to recycled polystyrene delivers a complete easy-to-install drainage solution

Expol QuickDrain and StyroDrain form part of the company’s range of premium recycled polystyrene construction products, with both specifically designed to provide successful, easy-to-install...